Wisdom from others


Sometimes in life, you have the rare opportunity to read a book that has a significant impact on your life; reading ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear was one of these moments.  The first thing you notice is that Clear is humble - he does not claim to possess expert knowledge or an overly scientific lens. Clear’s practical approach stems from personal experience and commitment to a purpose-driven life - an endeavour which continues to grow his success today. Clear is the guru of habit-forming, his methods undoubtedly create pragmatic, sustainable change - or in his words, “Tiny changes, remarkable results”.

Atomic Habits, by James Clear

The gift and power of emotional power, by Susan David

Psychologist Susan David shares how the way we deal with our emotions shapes everything that matters: our actions, careers, relationships, health and happiness. In this deeply moving, humorous and potentially life-changing talk, she challenges a culture that prizes positivity over emotional truth and discusses the powerful strategies of emotional agility. A talk to share.

As a coach, I support leaders in leveraging their strengths and repurposing or elevating their usage - particularly in areas of development. Yet, it is equally important to recognise that at times we may need to identify “derailing” behaviour blocking success.  Goyette’s article serves as a important reminder for leaders to identify emerging habits or behaviours requiring attention, before they create unmanageable consequences and potential career setback.

6 Habits That Hurt Your Career, and how to overcome them, by Kerry Goyette


Why Is Agility So Important To The Success Of Companies? by Michael Thiamine

Agility optimises the flow of value creation for the customer. Characterised by clarity, anchored in purpose and cross-functional collaboration and autonomy from start to finish, that enables greater speed in the way Organisations operate. This is a highly engaging way for people to operate and for leaders, there are some very simple shifts required to create this workplace.

What Really Works by N.Nohria, W.Joyce, B. Roberson

This piece of research is a five-year study revealing the must-have management practises that produce superior results in business.  Results from studied companies reveal 4 primary management practises needed to excel, as well as two secondary practises, in a 4 + 2 formula for success.  An invaluable methodology that simplifies an effective approach in mastering business basics every time.


Why Employees Need Both Recognition and Appreciation, by Mike Robbins

Most leaders believe, recognition and appreciation need to be sincere, and therefore done sparingly; which often leads to in-effective delivery. We know key to our success is having an internal reference, a familiarity with what we are doing. So how do we close this gap between what we believe and our lack of practice? It starts with understanding. This brief article by Robbins unravels misconceptions between recognition and appreciation, and provides great opportunity for you to ‘authentically’ connect with your people.

The Secret Of Coaching Lies In The Silence: Key Element Of Coaching That’s Underused And Underutilized, by Esther Weinburg

‘As a leader, if your interest is to genuinely grow the other person, then silence must start to be your friend and you must learn to utilize it in a variety of situations and circumstances. First, as a tool for listening, being silent is critical so the other person can answer fully and completely. It gives them the space to be heard and gives you time to truly digest what they are saying’ This is a brief article that helps us understand the power of silence in developing others and, understanding ourselves better.


Will the Pandemic Leadership Phenomenon Continue? by W.Lenton

Has this cataclysmic pandemic provided leaders with enough experience to understand the value of people-centric leadership and sustain these newfound skills? Or, will leaders return to previous ways in spite of the changing needs of the hybrid workplace?

3 Essential Habits All Leaders Should Focus On, by C.Weller

Based on research aligned with brain and behaviour science, Chris Weller highlights three essential habits for leaders: Future, People, and Execution.

To Improve Your Team, First Work on Yourself, by Jennifer Porter

Tapping inside successors for the CEO position, may seem less risk and straightforward. Chastain and Watkins step through the key pitfalls to be aware of for any leader.


The Key to Inclusive Leadership, by Juliet Bourke and Andrew Titus

Inclusive leadership is emerging as a unique and critical capability helping organisations adapt to diverse customers, markets, ideas and talent. For those working around a leader, such as a manager, direct report or peer, the single most important trait generating a sense of inclusiveness is a leader’s visible awareness of bias. But to fully capitalize on their cognizance of bias, leaders also must express both humility and empathy. This article describes organizational practices that can help leaders become more inclusive and enhance the performance of their teams.

Diversity and Inclusion Starts with Leaders, by Wendy Lenton

As a leader, what positive impact are you having in this area? Leader-led impact, creates something people want to be part of. You set culture, ‘how we do things around here’ and influence others. The more authentic, and 'imperfect' you are, learning as you go; the greater your success in creating better futures for everyone.

Want to Truly Succeed? Lift Others Up While you Climb, by Amber Hikes

It's up to all of us to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace. No matter where you are in your career journey, it's essential that you help others grow, even as you are growing yourself, says ACLU Chief Equity Officer Amber Hikes. She lays out three ways we can help each other succeed and empower and advance those who historically have been left behind.

Don’t Dress Your Age, by Julia Baird

This satirical article by Julia Baird tells us to ‘stop the mutton shaming’, criticising some of the age old “rules” which encourage women to take up less space, particularly with age. Message well received. We should all challenge ourselves to break the stereotypes which society has dictated to us; have some fun with fashion and push the boundaries of our identities through the clothes we wear. Who knows what positive impact it may have?


It is commonly known that sleep, exercise, and diet are the wellness trifecta. Most of us attend to exercise and diet, yet our adherence to sleep advice seems to lag. When we sacrifice or impair the quality of our sleep we run the risk of serious physical and mental ill-health. More and more it seems like work and business are bleeding further into our after hours time, and it can be tempting to skimp on sleep in favour of ‘productivity’.  This fascinating interview with Dr Carmel Harrington reveals a disturbing figure of two out of five Australians receiving less than 7 hours sleep a night - perhaps it's worth reviewing your sleeping patterns and how you might be causing yourself harm.

Hacking Your Sleep for Ultimate Performance - with Kerwin Rae and Dr Carmel Harrington